Division of Engineering
Head of "Engineering Specialties" Department
Candidate of Technical Sciences Alibekov Nauryzbay
Phone: +7 702 459 9977
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
List of educational programs:
- Computer Science and Software Engineering
- Oil and gas business
- Construction
- Electric Power Engineering
- Organization of traffic, transportation, and operation of transport
The total number of teaching staff is 21, including candidates of technical sciences - 13, masters of sciences - 6, senior lecturers-16.
The main tasks of the department:
- qualitative organization of educational and educational-methodical work on the basis of innovative methods for organization of educational processes;
- realization of modern research works;
- in order to improve the knowledge of students the use and mastering of modern technologies.
Research work of the department consists in improving the research work of the traditional direction:
-on the basis of application of local raw materials organization of technology of production of resource-saving and waste-free production of binders, concretes and products of various applications;
- preparation of new effective concretes;
- research of design calculations of building structures of buildings and constructions in oil and gas complex, industrial and civil construction;
-study of management ways and organization of operational work of the industry, introduction and implementation of marketing and management methods in the organization of transportation processes, design of enterprises with transport complexes, technical operation of transport devices and providing a high level of service to consumers of transport services;
- research aimed at studying the directions of operation, design and modernization of systems and units, power stations and substations, electric transport, electric drive and automation of technological complexes, lighting engineering and light sources, electrical installations and systems, electrical insulation and cable engineering, electro-mechanics, non-traditional and renewable energy sources, power supply of agricultural enterprises, relay protection and automation of electric power systems;
- research of software (programs, program complexes and systems) of computing machines, complexes, systems and networks, computer systems of information processing and management, computer hardware and computer systems of information processing and management;
- research of geodetic, geological, hydrological and hydro-meteorological works, including design of oil and gas pipelines;
- control of technological operations fulfillment, quality control of materials and products imported to the object.
- types of professional activities of graduates:
The graduate of the educational program 6B07365 - Construction is awarded the academic degree of Bachelor of Construction. Training is carried out on the basics of architectural design, qualified calculations of building structures and construction and installation works.
The graduate of the educational program 6B11380 - Organization of traffic, transportation and operation of transport is awarded the academic degree of Bachelor in the field of organization, methods and techniques of traffic on transport, activities in the field of production, design and modeling of the movement of vehicles, research of organizational regularities and processes of modern operational works, improvement of transportation processes under the mutual influence of types of transport on the basis of the principles of logistics.
The graduate of the educational program 6B07261 - Oil and Gas Engineering is awarded the academic degree of Bachelor. The types of professional activity include calculations of elements of structures and devices of oil and gas complex, labor protection and life safety, design and research, technical, technological and technical and economic solutions in accordance with modern requirements of ecology.
A graduate of the educational program 6B06150 - Computer Science and Software is awarded the academic degree of Bachelor. The training of specialists, who know the methods of information technologies and automated systems of development, design, creation of information program complexes, analysis and synthesis of electronic circuits, microprocessor means is carried out.
The graduate of the educational program 6B07155- Electric Power Engineering is awarded the academic degree of Bachelor. The training of specialists is carried to gain the knowledge of the principles and methods of determination, economic basis, cost and pricing system of the enterprises of the industry in different conditions of realization of production and services of electric power industry.