Division of "Law and service"
Head of the Department of "Law and Service"
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Bissenova Marzhan Kylyshbayevna.
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The Department of "Law and Service" is an educational and scientific structure of the University
The Division of "Law and service" is an educational and scientific structure of the University.
The department trains bachelors in the following educational programs: – " Jurisprudence (criminal law)" – " Jurisprudence (public service)" – " Jurisprudence (financial law)" – "Ecology" – "Cultural and leisure work" – "Library Science" – "Design". |
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The department carries out educational and methodical and research work on training specialists in legal, natural, artistic, social educational, service directions.
The teaching staff of the chair consists of 32 teachers, including 14 candidates of sciences, 5 masters of sciences, 4 associate professors, 28 senior teachers.
Teachers of the department closely cooperate with students, carry out comprehensive educational work, take an active part in interuniversity competitions, subject olympiads in the level of the region and the republic.
Under the educational program 6B04246 - "Jurisprudence" the department prepares highly qualified specialists for law enforcement agencies and organizations in various spheres of public service.
Main scientific directions:
Theory of State and Law;
History of State and Law;
Criminal Law;
Teachers of the department conduct constant educational and methodical work; prepare students for the annual student conference at the university. It also prepares students for participation in international and republican conferences and student Olympiads held in other universities.
The department is assigned a forensic science room, which is equipped with stands demonstrating the basic elements of forensic science; a forensic laboratory functions.
At the department there is a hall of court sessions, necessary for training of future lawyers. At the department there is a circle "young lawyer". Together with teachers, students provide legal advice to citizens.
The department closely cooperates with educational institutions of the Republic:
Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi;
Taraz University named after M. H. Dulati;
International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Hodja Ahmed Yassawi;
Kazakh Humanitarian-Legal University.
Graduates of the educational program 6B05247 - "Ecology" can work in the following fields:
ecology teacher in special educational institutions;
project and design organizations on planning, reconstruction, irrigation, landscaping in agro-biostations;
state structures of different levels;
in sanitary-epidemiological centers, agricultural organizations and production on processing of mineral raw materials.
Scientific directions:
Kazakh Research Institute named after I. Zhakayev;
Kazakh Research Institute of Plant Protection and
Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi;
Almaty Technological University;
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay;
South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov.
On the educational program 6B03231 - "Library Science" graduates perform the following types of professional activities:
Librarian, bibliographer methodologist;
Researcher, document researcher, research assistant;
Head of sector of the department;
Teacher of librarian college.
Training of specialists who are aware of modern requirements of culture, library and information sphere, able to provide quality library activities.
National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Centralized Library System of Almaty.
Having accumulated the experience of librarians of the previous generation, now many aspects of information work are revealed and replenished, modernized by new automatic technologies.
Therefore, the modern librarian-provider of information, referent-analyst of information resources.
The world's information is assimilated and brought to the reader with the help of computer.
Academic Affiliations:
South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov.
West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemissov
Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
6B11111-educational program "cultural and leisure work" and
6B02132-educational program "Design".
Research work of the department:
Activation of students' knowledge;
Research of knowledge market formation.
The main work of the department-training of qualified specialists; training of bachelors of design, culture, art, creative centers, amateur, club associations, school and extracurricular institutions and mass media.
Training of highly qualified personnel with higher education in the field of fashion design, graphic and architectural design, competitive in the international space, with deep professional competencies.
Training of highly qualified specialists capable of applying the methodology of planning, organization and management in the activities of cultural and leisure institutions with elements of creativity and theatrical art in the development of scenarios of cultural and mass events.
Academic Affiliations:
Kazakh University of Technology and Business;
Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin;
Syrdarya University;
Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov; Syrdarya University.
West Kazakhstan University named after Makhambet Utemissov;
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay.