


Associate Professor of Truckee University Emilia Dimova was awarded the title of "Honored Professor" of Kyzylorda Open University. At the meeting, Rector M.A. Koktem Erimbetov spoke about the career of the scientist and expressed gratitude for his contribution to the development of science and education of the university.

Research work plan

Directions of research work of the faculty of the Kyzylorda Open University:

Development of effective methods of teaching, upbringing and solving psychological and pedagogical problems at school;
Improving the methodology of teaching physics courses in higher education institutions using information and innovative technologies;
Improving the mechanisms of state support for the agricultural industry of the Kyzylorda region;
Features of logistics systems in the oil and gas industry;
Ecological consciousness of Kazakhstani student youth as a factor of social activity;
Monitoring of the socio-economic situation of the population of the ecological zone;
The formation of the self-employment market in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Efficiency of investment projects;
Differentiation of criminological aspects of a criminal offense according to the educational program "Law";
The introduction of innovative information technologies into the library's work process;
Kyzylorda region of zhagdain

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