New Technologies and Cooperation with Industry

As part of the Year of Vocational Professions announced by the Head of State, the "City of Vocational Professions" festival took place from February 11 to 15 in Astana at the EXPO exhibition center.

The festival served as a platform for interaction between future specialists, employers, and educational institutions in the field of technical and vocational education.

At 40 interactive exhibitions, visitors could explore more than 200 professions and learn about the specific features of various industries. The festival also included seminars, master classes, innovation sessions, and job fairs.

The "City of Vocational Professions" featured exhibitions from Satbayev University, D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University, and S. Ötebaev University of Oil and Gas, along with the "My Profession – My Future" project.

As part of the "My Profession – My Future" project, the results of the development of regional Atlases of New Professions were presented. Currently, the project covers nine regions, with full implementation planned by the end of the year. In total, over 500 new professions have been identified across 43 sectors of the economy.