November 17 – International Student Day.

November 17 – International Student Day.

🔸 This day is celebrated internationally in many countries with splendor. In this regard, Kyzylorda Open University and Kyzylorda higher multidisciplinary College held a festival of friendship dedicated to the day of students.

Би at the solemn meeting, the rector of the University Bisenov Kylyshbay Aldabergenovich delivered his congratulations and awarded students who excel in their studies, actively participate in scientific and social activities.

Мерекелік the festive meeting began with the international anthem of students in Latin "Gaudeamustan" (Kazakh "Kuanayyk"). Students of the "Kazangap Music College", who came to congratulate the students on a significant holiday, presented their wonderful songs and further enhanced the festive fun.

🔸 During the evening, a ceremony of awarding the keys to knowledge to 1st year students was held.

.Our students, whose youth, strength, talent, knowledge are all present, showed their skills. A theatrical performance telling about the history of the Kazakh people was shown, and thousands of dancers performed dances of different nationalities in their own way.

Студенттері at the end of the evening, students of the University and college together performed the song "Student Life" and summed up the festival of friendship.