Darkhan Bainiyazov was awarded the Certificate of honor of the Akim of the region
The famous scientist and teacher Darkhan Bainiyazov turned 60 years old. A meeting dedicated to the anniversary was held at the Open University of Kyzylorda. At the meeting, the scientist was awarded a certificate of Honor by Akim of the region Nurlybek Nalibayev. In addition, Darkhan Taskarayuly was awarded the silver medal named after A. Baitursynov, congratulations from the rector of the University Kylyshbay Bissenov. The rector of the university highly appreciated the work of the scientist and congratulated him on his sixty years.
"Currently, Darkhan Taskarayevich is the vice-rector for general affairs of the Open University of Kyzylorda. The great teacher has been working in the field of education for 25 years, contributing to the formation of thousands of students as qualified specialists. The scientist is the author of more than 30 scientific papers. The university staff always appreciates deep knowledge and curiosity, great responsibility for their work, hard work," Abaybek Zhunissov said.
Darkhan Bainiyazov-started his career in the field of education in 1999 as a teacher at the Department of Electrical Engineering and automation of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University. As a result of his hard work, in 2010 he successfully defended his Ph. D. thesis on the topic: "Development of an ozone installation for treatment of waters from petroleum products".
The scientist has held the positions of Rector of the Institute, vice-rector for Academic Affairs-first vice-rector at the Open University of Kyzylorda, and today he works as vice-rector for general affairs of the reorganized educational institution.