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International communication
Educational institutions that are members of the Association of International Open Universities
Azerbaijan ADA University (www.ada.edu.az)
China The Open University of China (en.ouchn.edu.cn)
The Jilin Broadcast Television College (www.jlrtvu.jl.cn)
Shanghai TV University (www.shtvu.edu.cn)
Ludong University (www.ldu.edu.cn)
Yanbian University (www.ybu.edu.cn)
China (Taiwan) National Open University (www.nou.edu.tw)
Japan The Open University of Japan (www.ouj.ac.jp)
Malaysia Open University Malaysia (www.oum.edu.my)
Mongolian University of Science and Technology (www.must.edu.mn)
Nepal Tribhuvan University (www.tribhuvan-university.edu.np)
Pakistan Allama Iqbal Open University (www.aiou.edu.pk)
Thailand Ramkhamhaeng University (www.ru.ac.th)
Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (www.stou.ac.th)
Viet Nam Hanoi Open University (www.hou.edu.vn)
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About Dormitory
The dormitory has all the conditions for students to stay. The dorm rooms are designed for 2-3 people and are equipped with furniture necessary for classes and recreation.
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Youth Affairs Committee
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To participate in solving problems in the lives of students, develop their social activity, and support the social positions of youth, a youth affairs committee has been created at the Kyzylorda Open University. It operates on the basis of the “Regulations on the Youth Affairs Committee” and is a permanent authorized body of students. The work of the committee is supervised by the chairman, Oralbay Rysdaulet Oralbaevich. Goals and objectives of the youth affairs committee are:
direct participation of students in the implementation of youth policy. |
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Department of Education and Mass Culture
The department of organization of educational and cultural mass work is a structural subdivision of the University.
The purpose of the department is the organization of educational, cultural and leisure work, aimed at a meaningful and interesting social life of students, the implementation of youth policy.
The priority directions of educational work of the University are patriotic education of youth, formation of culturally and socially responsible personality, education of legal culture, development of social activity, formation of leadership qualities, spiritual and moral education, formation of healthy lifestyle and support of talented youth.
The department manages the work of the student self-government system formed at the university, which is a structure that determines the place, significance and role of youth in the university place, importance and role of youth in the life of the university.
The system of student self-government includes public associations and organizations that conduct various activities at the university.
The activities implemented at the university are carried out through public associations and organizations in the system of student self-government, in particular, the "Committee on Youth Affairs", student groups "Zhasyl El" and "Kurylys", student council of the hostel, volunteer group "Kyran", created to protect public order and prevent offenses among students.
It has become a tradition in the life of student youth to conduct such events as meetings, discussions, show programs, sports competitions, KVN competitions, round table, arts festival "We are looking for talented youth!", competition of funny and resourceful among students of the first year, sports and athletics.
Tel.: 8(7242) 303636
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Material and technical base
The main goal of the Institute is to provide fundamental and applied education, to foster the need for constant professional self–development, on the basis of humanistic positions, the formation of a spiritually, intellectually, and physically developed personality characterized by high creative potential and capable of reproducing good.
The structure of the Institute is focused on achieving these goals.
The organizational structure of the University includes a rector, 4 vice-rectors (first vice-rector, vice-rector for academic affairs, Vice-Rector for science and digitalization, vice-rector for international relations), educational and methodological Department, Office of the Registrar of the educational process, Department of the organization of educational and cultural mass work, student Department, Information Technology Department, Library, distance learning technology department, accounting office, Department of personnel and documentation support, Department of Organization of scientific research, 4 chairs, Department of international educational programs.
The educational activities of the Institute for bachelor's degree programs are carried out on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" dated July 27, 2007, the license issued by the order of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 24, 2022 No. 269 (No.KZ01LAA00032484) and the Charter of the Institute.
The Institute carries out educational activities in the following bachelor's degree programs:
- 3 programs in the direction of "Education":
- 1 program in the direction of "Jurisprudence":
- 1 program in the direction of "Art":
- 2 programs in the direction of "Social Sciences, Economics, and Business":
- 4 programs in the direction of "Technical Sciences and technologies":
- 1 program in the direction of "Natural Sciences":
- 4 programs in the direction of "Service provision":
- 6B01408 – Fine arts and drawing;
- 6B01514 – Computer Science;
- 6B01409- Vocational training.
- 6B04246- Jurisprudence.
- 6B02132-Design.
- 6B04141- Accounting and auditing in the real sector of the economy.
- 6B06150- Computer equipment and software;
- 6B07261- Oil and gas business;
- 6B07155-Electric power industry;
- 6B07365- Construction.
- 6B05247-Ecology.
- 6B11380 – Organization of transportation, traffic, and operation of transport;
- 6B11476- Social work
- 6B11111 – Organization of cultural and mass work;
- 6B03231- Library science.
The academic buildings of the Institute have modern laboratories and classrooms. Special classrooms are equipped with appropriate computers and other necessary equipment. The institute also has reading rooms, an electronic reading room, two gyms, a student dormitory, a canteen, and a medical service center.
Educational activities are carried out by three departments of the Institute: "Division of Services and Law", "Division of Social Science and Economics","Division of Engineering","Division of Humanities and Pedogogy".
In order to increase the efficiency of independent preparation of students for classes, 4 computer classes connected to the Internet have been put into operation at the Institute:
- General computer class connected to a network with Internet access;
- Computer class for engineering and technical specialties;
- Class of fundamentals of computer science and computer engineering;
- Computer-aided design class.
The institute provides benefits to students with disabilities, orphans, and semi-orphans; benefits are also provided to excellent students, activists, and applicants who have scored maximum points on certificates. Tuition fees do not change during the period of education.
The library and reading room of the Institute are provided with textbooks and teaching aids necessary for students. The library's book collection is more than 200,000 copies.
The university has all the necessary conditions for physical education and artistic creativity. The Institute has 3 academic buildings, a 50-seat student canteen, a 50-bed dormitory, and a 200-seat conference hall.
The health status of students is under constant control: students undergo a medical examination according to the schedule. The institute has a specially equipped medical office.
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Academic Quality Policy
To success in life - through knowledge!
The main goal of the academic policy in the field of quality is to improve educational programs, to implement the principles of the Bologna process, to ensure the availability of quality education, to form a University that meets the needs of international, national and regional labor markets in highly qualified specialists and competitive scientific and pedagogical staff.
In order to achieve these goals, the University sets the following objectives:
- providing quality educational services to meet the needs of the labor market;
- increasing the integration of education, science and production;
- improvement of conditions aimed at the comprehensive development of student
youth, their involvement in the process of socio-economic development
of the region and the country;
- updating the educational, scientific and production infrastructure;
- improvement of personnel policy and encouragement of active professional growth of the staff;
- ensuring the university's participation in national and international ratings;
- further integration into the European zone of higher education in order to develop academic mobility of students and teaching staff of the university;
- further development of the University's information support network
in the field of education and science;
- expansion of the sphere of international cooperation;
- improvement of the quality system as a means of achieving the set goals and creation of necessary conditions for its functioning and development.
Academic policy of the Kyzylorda Open University in the field of education quality is the main, integral element of the university strategy and the basis for planning the educational activity of the university.
The necessary condition for the implementation of the policy of Kyzylorda Open University in the field of quality is its understanding by all employees of the university and the desire for its daily implementation.
The university management, using the best domestic and international experience, takes responsibility for the continuous improvement of the quality management system and control over compliance with the academic policy in the field of quality.
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Training of competitive highly qualified personnel having high personal and professional competencies in accordance with the needs of the market, focused on solving the issues of industrial-innovative development of the region and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Regulatory legal acts in the field of Education
Regulatory legal acts in the field of Education
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- The principle of openness. It assumes the availability of information about the department and projects of the department in social networks, operational feedback on the basis of distance learning technologies and web - opportunities, the system of open interaction of the teaching staff of the department with students, employers and applicants.
- principle of consistent accessibility. Providing a wide range of additional educational services for students and opportunities to develop flexible skills as a necessary component of successful professional self-realization and competitiveness;
- principle of interaction. Development of interaction with educational organizations of all levels, innovative enterprises and drivers of development of the region, private organizations working in the market of educational services.
- University of Engineering and Technology named after Sh. Yessenov;
- East Kazakhstan University named after S. Amanzholov;
- Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata.
- Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University
- West-Kazakhstan Innovation-Technological University
- International Taraz Innovation Institute named after Sherkhan Murtaza
- teacher of Fine Arts and Drawing in secondary schools;
- teacher of special disciplines in technical and vocational education institutions,
- master of industrial training,
- teacher of specialized education in specialized schools;
- a teacher at professional development centers
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Internal regulatory documents
Internal regulatory documents
Division of Pedagogy
One of the structural units of the Open University of Kyzylorda is the Department of Pedagogy
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Educational programs of the Division: 6В01514 - Informatics 6В01408 - Fine Arts and Drawing (visual art, artistic work, graphics and design) 6В01409 - Vocational Education (Art work and special disciplines) 6В01202 - Pre-school education and training 6В01301 - Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education 6В01102 - Pedagogy and Psychology 6В01407 - Physical Education and Sport |
The main direction of the department: development of effective methods of pedagogical education; pre-school and school teaching and education and solving psychological and pedagogical problems at school.
The main goal of the department is: to provide leadership positions in the region in the training of bachelors in pedagogical direction.
The main principles of the department:
The Department of Pedagogy closely cooperates, creatively interacts with the following universities:
The purpose of the education program 6B01408 - Fine Arts and Drawing (visual art, art work, graphics and design) - training of bachelors in fine arts and drawing (visual art, art work, graphics and design), having high social and civil responsibility, possessing systematized knowledge in the field of fine arts and drawing, able to organize the educational process at the modern scientific level and possessing high professional qualifications.
A graduate of an education program can work as:
The purpose of the education program 6B01409- Vocational Education (Art Work and Special Disciplines) is to train highly qualified and professionally mobile teaching staff with general cultural, professional and subject competencies, as well as high social and civic responsibility. The graduate of the education program can work in general education schools, lyceums, colleges and training and production combines, training and course systems, centers of professional development and retraining, training of specialists of the Employment Center.
The purpose of the education program 6B01202 - Preschool Education and Training is to prepare professionally competent bachelors with leadership qualities, flexible skills, ready for innovative activities, able to ensure children's development in the conditions of transformation of preschool education and training.
The purpose of the education program 6B01301 - Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education is to prepare bachelors in the field of primary education with active citizenship, leadership qualities, social responsibility and professional competencies based on modern requirements.
The purpose of the education program - 6B01102 Pedagogy and Psychology is to prepare qualified, competitive pedagogical psychologists, capable of coordinating educational and experimental-research aspects of the educational process.
Division of Engineering
Head of "Engineering Specialties" Department
Candidate of Technical Sciences Alibekov Nauryzbay
Phone: +7 702 459 9977
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
List of educational programs:
- Computer Science and Software Engineering
- Oil and gas business
- Construction
- Electric Power Engineering
- Organization of traffic, transportation, and operation of transport
The total number of teaching staff is 21, including candidates of technical sciences - 13, masters of sciences - 6, senior lecturers-16.
The main tasks of the department:
- qualitative organization of educational and educational-methodical work on the basis of innovative methods for organization of educational processes;
- realization of modern research works;
- in order to improve the knowledge of students the use and mastering of modern technologies.
Research work of the department consists in improving the research work of the traditional direction:
-on the basis of application of local raw materials organization of technology of production of resource-saving and waste-free production of binders, concretes and products of various applications;
- preparation of new effective concretes;
- research of design calculations of building structures of buildings and constructions in oil and gas complex, industrial and civil construction;
-study of management ways and organization of operational work of the industry, introduction and implementation of marketing and management methods in the organization of transportation processes, design of enterprises with transport complexes, technical operation of transport devices and providing a high level of service to consumers of transport services;
- research aimed at studying the directions of operation, design and modernization of systems and units, power stations and substations, electric transport, electric drive and automation of technological complexes, lighting engineering and light sources, electrical installations and systems, electrical insulation and cable engineering, electro-mechanics, non-traditional and renewable energy sources, power supply of agricultural enterprises, relay protection and automation of electric power systems;
- research of software (programs, program complexes and systems) of computing machines, complexes, systems and networks, computer systems of information processing and management, computer hardware and computer systems of information processing and management;
- research of geodetic, geological, hydrological and hydro-meteorological works, including design of oil and gas pipelines;
- control of technological operations fulfillment, quality control of materials and products imported to the object.
- types of professional activities of graduates:
The graduate of the educational program 6B07365 - Construction is awarded the academic degree of Bachelor of Construction. Training is carried out on the basics of architectural design, qualified calculations of building structures and construction and installation works.
The graduate of the educational program 6B11380 - Organization of traffic, transportation and operation of transport is awarded the academic degree of Bachelor in the field of organization, methods and techniques of traffic on transport, activities in the field of production, design and modeling of the movement of vehicles, research of organizational regularities and processes of modern operational works, improvement of transportation processes under the mutual influence of types of transport on the basis of the principles of logistics.
The graduate of the educational program 6B07261 - Oil and Gas Engineering is awarded the academic degree of Bachelor. The types of professional activity include calculations of elements of structures and devices of oil and gas complex, labor protection and life safety, design and research, technical, technological and technical and economic solutions in accordance with modern requirements of ecology.
A graduate of the educational program 6B06150 - Computer Science and Software is awarded the academic degree of Bachelor. The training of specialists, who know the methods of information technologies and automated systems of development, design, creation of information program complexes, analysis and synthesis of electronic circuits, microprocessor means is carried out.
The graduate of the educational program 6B07155- Electric Power Engineering is awarded the academic degree of Bachelor. The training of specialists is carried to gain the knowledge of the principles and methods of determination, economic basis, cost and pricing system of the enterprises of the industry in different conditions of realization of production and services of electric power industry.
Division of "Economics and management"
Head of the Department of Economics and Management
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Aitugan Aizada Aituganovna
The department trains specialists in the following educational programs: 6В04141 - Accounting and Auditing; 6В04140 - Economics; 6B11476 - Social work. 6В04142 - State and Local Government. |
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The teaching staff of the department consists of 19 people, including candidates of sciences -13, masters of sciences -3, senior lecturers -3.
The main tasks of the department:
- development of curricula, working curricula for educational programs approved by the department;
- scientific and methodical support of academic disciplines assigned to the department;
- development and realization of individual work plans of the teaching staff of the department;
- preparation of textbooks, manuals, teaching aids for current, intermediate and final control of students' knowledge;
- use of new technologies and innovative programs for quality mastering of educational materials by students;
- organization of independent work of students and equipping with the necessary teaching materials;
- formation of business and partnership relations with enterprises and institutions;
- promotion of employment of graduates of the department;
- professional development of the teaching staff of the department;
- conducting scientific research in accordance with the approved plans, preparation of scientific projects, implementation of their results in the production and educational process.
The department "Economics and Management" cooperates with various enterprises and organizations: agrifarm "Bagdaulet", farm "Bagdaulet-57", municipal state institutions "Department of coordination for employment and social programs of the Kyzylorda region", "Kyzylorda Center for special social services №1" of the Department of coordination for employment and social programs of the Kyzylorda region.
Teachers of the department in accordance with the approved plans of research work and scientific-methodical seminar carry out work in the following scientific directions:
- Improvement of mechanisms of state support of agrarian industry of Kyzylorda region;
- Causes of poverty and main mechanisms of struggle with the unemployed population today;
- Features of logistic systems in oil and gas industry;
- Economic efficiency of introduction of capital investments in the transportation market in the framework of services;
- Ways to improve the system of labor remuneration at the enterprise;
- Capital market and monetary policy;
- Ecological consciousness of Kazakhstan student youth as a factor of social activity;
- Current state and prospects of tourism development in Kyzylorda region;
- Monitoring of socio-economic situation of the population of the ecological zone;
- Formation of self-employment market in the Republic of Kazakhstan.