
University (74)

Division of "Law and service"

Head of the Department of "Law and Service"
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Bissenova Marzhan Kylyshbayevna.
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The Department of "Law and Service" is an educational and scientific structure of the University


The Division of "Law and service" is an educational and scientific structure of the University.

The department trains bachelors in the following educational programs:

  " Jurisprudence (criminal law)"

  " Jurisprudence (public service)"

  " Jurisprudence (financial law)"


 – "Cultural and leisure work"

  "Library Science"


The department carries out educational and methodical and research work on training specialists in legal, natural, artistic, social educational, service directions.

The teaching staff of the chair consists of 32 teachers, including 14 candidates of sciences, 5 masters of sciences, 4 associate professors, 28 senior teachers.

Teachers of the department closely cooperate with students, carry out comprehensive educational work, take an active part in interuniversity competitions, subject olympiads in the level of the region and the republic.

Under the educational program 6B04246 - "Jurisprudence" the department prepares highly qualified specialists for law enforcement agencies and organizations in various spheres of public service.

 Main scientific directions:

Theory of State and Law;

History of State and Law;

Criminal Law;


Teachers of the department conduct constant educational and methodical work; prepare students for the annual student conference at the university. It also prepares students for participation in international and republican conferences and student Olympiads held in other universities.

The department is assigned a forensic science room, which is equipped with stands demonstrating the basic elements of forensic science; a forensic laboratory functions.

At the department there is a hall of court sessions, necessary for training of future lawyers. At the department there is a circle "young lawyer". Together with teachers, students provide legal advice to citizens.

The department closely cooperates with educational institutions of the Republic:

Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi;

Taraz University named after M. H. Dulati;

International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Hodja Ahmed Yassawi;

Kazakh Humanitarian-Legal University.


Graduates of the educational program 6B05247 - "Ecology" can work in the following fields:


ecology teacher in special educational institutions;

project and design organizations on planning, reconstruction, irrigation, landscaping in agro-biostations;

state structures of different levels;

in sanitary-epidemiological centers, agricultural organizations and production on processing of mineral raw materials.

Scientific directions:




Kazakh Research Institute named after I. Zhakayev;

Kazakh Research Institute of Plant Protection and


Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi;

Almaty Technological University;

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay;

South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov.

On the educational program 6B03231 - "Library Science" graduates perform the following types of professional activities:


Librarian, bibliographer methodologist;

Researcher, document researcher, research assistant;

Head of sector of the department;

Teacher of librarian college.

Training of specialists who are aware of modern requirements of culture, library and information sphere, able to provide quality library activities.

National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

Centralized Library System of Almaty.

Having accumulated the experience of librarians of the previous generation, now many aspects of information work are revealed and replenished, modernized by new automatic technologies.

Therefore, the modern librarian-provider of information, referent-analyst of information resources.

The world's information is assimilated and brought to the reader with the help of computer.



 Academic Affiliations:

South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov.

West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemissov

Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.


6B11111-educational program "cultural and leisure work" and

6B02132-educational program "Design".


Research work of the department:


Activation of students' knowledge;

Research of knowledge market formation.

The main work of the department-training of qualified specialists; training of bachelors of design, culture, art, creative centers, amateur, club associations, school and extracurricular institutions and mass media.


Training of highly qualified personnel with higher education in the field of fashion design, graphic and architectural design, competitive in the international space, with deep professional competencies.

Training of highly qualified specialists capable of applying the methodology of planning, organization and management in the activities of cultural and leisure institutions with elements of creativity and theatrical art in the development of scenarios of cultural and mass events.

Academic Affiliations:

Kazakh University of Technology and Business;

Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin;

Syrdarya University;

Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov; Syrdarya University.

West Kazakhstan University named after Makhambet Utemissov;

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay.







Office of Registrar

To conduct test control and assess the knowledge of students, the university is provided with special classes equipped with computers of the latest generation.

The main functions of the registrar's office are:

- enrollment of students in academic disciplines;

-determination of teachers for conducting classes in the disciplines of the curricula;

- drawing up a schedule of intermediate and final control;

-organization of forms of intermediate control of student's knowledge;

- determination of the average passing score (GPA);

-preparation of orders for enrollment, transfer, restoration, and scholarships;

- organization and conduct of the final state certification;

- organization of the summer semester for students;

- accounting for the movement of the contingent of students;

- conducting a census of the contingent of students.


Contact phone: 8 (7242) 24-60-47


Division for Students

 The main functions of the Student Office are:

-receiving and processing documents of students enrolled in the 1st course;

-entering information about students into the database;

- updating and storage of personal files of university students;

-issuance and accounting of academic certificates;

- issuance of copies of orders on student contingent movement;

- submitting applications for diploma forms;

-correspondence with universities and institutions regarding academic work;

- filling in the labor books of graduates.

Specialists of the Student Office advise students on the issues of admission and execution of documents, issuance and accounting of academic certificates.

Contact phone number: 8 (7242) 24-60-47


 Contact phone: 8 (7242) 24-60-47


Department of Academic and Methodology

The Educational and methodological department is the main structural unit of the educational institution. The Department organizes the educational process on the credit technology of education in accordance with the State Educational Standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan and regulatory documents of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and internal documents approved by the Rector and monitors their implementation.

The main functions of the teaching and methodological department are:

- preparation of working curricula of educational programs;

-drawing up the schedule of intermediate and final control;

-preparation of the academic calendar and control over its execution;

-organization of forms of intermediate control of students' knowledge.

The Department organizes and conducts internal audits in all structural departments of the educational institution, organizes training sessions, and the work of departments; monitors the work to eliminate deficiencies identified during inspections, provides general management of the organization of the educational process on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", regulatory documents of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and orders of the Rector, supervises the work of the state attestation commission and final certification in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    Contact phone: 8(7242) 30-46-40.

    e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






   Library of the Open University of Kyzylorda

    The activity of the library is to ensure the availability of necessary scientific and educational resources for students and teachers of the university.

The main tasks are:

    1.Creation and provision of modern information products, services that meet the needs of users in the field of education and science. Improvement of information culture of students and teachers, development of their information competencies.

    2.Strengthening the connection with the subdivisions and research departments of the University, formation of library and information resources. Development of the library as a resource center for educational and scientific activities of the university.

    3.Preservation of the existing library fund, electronic documents through the application of a set of measures such as restoration and prevention.

    4.Conducting research, methodological (analytical, organizational, advisory) work on the improvement of all types of activities. Organization of creative and constructive interaction with the university departments.

    5.Ensuring the development of the library. Increasing the professional potential by training the library staff in accordance with modern requirements and professional standards.

    6.Creation of favorable conditions for employees and readers.


Department of Distance Learning Technologies

Head of Department: Bissenov Shahmardan Zhanabilovich

Contact phone numbers: 8-7242-24-60-03

Main functions of the department:

-introduction of advanced computer technologies in order to further improve the educational process;

 -introduction of modern applied computer programs;'

-improvement of the corporate network of the information and communication system of the university;

 -providing access to the Internet and system management.

 Specialists of the IT department provide consultative and technical assistance to all departments of the university. 


Office of Accounting

For test control and assessment of students' knowledge the University is provided with special classrooms equipped with the latest generation of computers.

The main functions of the registrar's office are:

- recording of students for academic disciplines;

- determination of teachers to conduct classes on the disciplines of the curriculum;

- scheduling of intermediate and final control;

- organization of intermediate control forms of students' knowledge;

- determination of the grade point average GPA);

-preparation of orders on enrollment, transfer, reinstatement, scholarship assignment;

- organization and carrying out of the final state attestation;

- organization of the summer semester of students;

- recording the movement of the contingent of students;

- census of the contingent of students.

Contact phone number: 8 (7242) 24-60-47


Department of Human Resources and Documentation


Akhanova Rosa Minelbekovna
Master of Law.
Head of the Department for Administrative and Personnel Work


About Management:

 Our team develops Rules and Regulations aimed at improving working conditions, motivation and incentive systems, as well as staff adaptation, development of corporate culture and expansion of opportunities for development and professional growth of the university, as well as provides a full cycle of personnel records management of the KOU.

 The Management's activities are aimed at achieving the strategic goal of the GO development program in the field of human capital management policy.

 The mission of the KOU Human Resources Department is to work with university personnel. The human resource potential ensures the achievement of the set goals within the framework of the development of the university.



                                                                                                            Our team:                                                       


Ospanova Myra Maratovna

Chief Specialist

Milova Larisa Viktorovna

Leading specialist

Bisembaev Sholpan Seitmuratovna

Chief specialist







Address: Kyzylorda city, 72aG.Muratbayev str., main building of the university

Phone, fax:87242(24-60-47)6

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Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

Alіbekova Aigul Bekkozhaқyzy
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Contact Information:
tel: +7-7242-24-60-47
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Vice-Rector for Science and Digitalization


Shynbergenov Yerlan Alimzhanovich


Contact Information:

tel: 8 (7242) 24-60-47

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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